Nonviolent Communication & Practical Brain Science
With Stephanie Bachmann Mattei
Saturdays, April 17, 2021 through May 22, 2022
(6 sessions)
3:00pm – 4:30pm Pacific Time
$180 - $258
Recordings Included
This live course will meet via online video conference (zoom). Video recordings of the entire course will be made available afterward.
What’s it expected
This course is designed to help us learn and integrate mindfulness skills, and Nonviolent Communication (i.e. compassionate listening and loving speech) while learning about the latest neuroscience research in order to support ourselves in enhancing our self-attunement, empathy and compassionate self-expression; clarifying how and why understanding brain development supports our relationship with ourselves and others; increasing our own mental health; and enhancing our children's brain development and integration.
In this course, we will look deeply at:
• Understanding our child's behavior by identifying core needs and mental states underlying it.
• Supporting our child's foundation for social, emotional and mental health by learning about basic brain development, practical neuroscience and the impact of parenting on the developing brain.
• Developing mindfulness skills for self-connection, affect regulation, identification of the spiraling of difficult emotions and guiding your children with compassion and insight when they are experiencing "difficult” emotions.
• Offering our attuned, empathic presence and using parenting "survival moments" as opportunities to help our child thrive.
• Empowering ourselves by learning strategies to help our child integrate the various parts of the brain and improve patterns of thinking.
• Parenting from an authentic place of mindful choice and a "whole-brain approach" rather than habitual reactivity due to stress and fear.
• Expressing ourselves from a place of compassion and authenticity while fostering our child's brain growth.
• Exploring the concept of "limits," and whether and how to use force in a paradigm of partnership parenting while understanding the social brain.
No prior neuroscience training is required.
Want to know know? Watch the introduction video.
How Will the Course Be Structured?
Week 1: Core Needs: Understanding Human Behavior Beyond the Dualistic Mentality
Week 2: Compassionate Listening of Self and Others: Self-Connection and Empathy
Week 3: Transforming Habitual Reactions into Mindful Responses
Week 4: Mindfulness of Thoughts and Loving Speech: Observations & Requests
Week 5: The Power of the NVC Process, and the NVC Tree of Life
Week 6: Interbeing: Working with NO, NVC Boundaries, and Protective Use of Force
Who is This Course For?
This course is being offered for those who are in relationship with children, whether you are in the role as parents or teachers, administrators of the school system. You are welcome to join this course.
There is no prerequisite for this course, no prior neuroscience training is required.
Payment Options
Early Bird Discount for COPA member - $180 until March 23 ($258 after)
COPA Member :20% Discount - $206
(Not a member? Register Now)
Course Description
Stephanie Bachmann Mattei
CNVC Certified Trainer & Assessor

About Stephanie Bachmann Mattei
Stephanie is a Certified Trainer and Assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication as well as a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - MBSR Qualified Teacher and a certified Yoga Teacher. Her core intertwined themes in life are: spirituality, parenting, healing and transformation.
Stephanie was born and raised in Florence, Italy, where she earned the equivalent of a Bachelor in Languages and the Laurea cum Laude in Philosophy. In 1993, she and her husband relocated from Italy to the USA. They currently reside in Florida, Tampa Bay area with their 3 children.
Stephanie first met Marshall in 2002 and, soon after, CNVC Certified Trainer Inbal Kashtan, who wholeheartedly shared with Stephanie the heart and soul of NVC in parenting and family life. It was with the intention of more fully supporting Inbal’s vision of sharing NVC with parents and people working with children that Stephanie decided to pursue CNVC certification. In 2006, Stephanie graduated from the “Parent Peer Leadership Program” (PPLP) -a program of the Peaceful Families Peaceful World Project of the International Center for Nonviolent Communication and BayNVC. Together with CNVC Certified Trainer Ingrid Bauer, Stephanie has been co-leading the Parent Peer Leadership Program since 2009.
Parenting is one of Stephanie’s niches. Parenting, being a major way of transmitting our unconscious wounds as well as our conditioning to social and cultural blueprints, becomes a powerful and far-reaching tool for social transformation. As Gandhi proclaimed: “If we want to change the world we shall start with the children.”
On the practical level, this led Stephanie to serve for over 10 years as a volunteer leader with La Leche League International, facilitating support group meetings, and consulting with mothers about breast-feeding, parenting and attachment.
Stephanie has also trained with Mindful Schools (K-12 Mindfulness Curriculum Program) to support youth in learning and integrating mindfulness practices.
Finally, in Stephanie’s experience, parenting inevitably ends up being a call to integrate our unprocessed experiences and to bring healing to ourselves. To that respect, Stephanie loves tying NVC with mindfulness-based neuroscience to support self-understanding, healing and wholeness.